Thursday, July 26, 2007


well i broke the cycle that i had been keeping for the last 4 years. this year i was home for my birthday. everyone here was so sweet and made it special and three people sent me birthday offlines (wraf, nick and chris i was touched that three people who never lived with me would remember). as it wasn't convenient to do anything on the day, a couple days later when i came home in the evening from outreach i see suspicious smiles on eveyones faces which made me keep my mouth shut and stay out of everyone's way. at 9 pm a little fiesta awaited me complete with a sombrero, a good supply of homemade beer, and a take on tiramisu made with grapa. after people had something(or a little more than something) to drink we began chinese sherades of those old classics......dime from the sky, renovation, loaf of bread, miracle motor. a couple photos are included . please forgive the pajamas and the face. its the typical "a day on outreach without lunch but with a provisioned mocha at the end of the day with the chocolate left at the bottom because i failed to mix it and a huge cookie which was a sign of the lord's love for me" look

who said women couldn't multitask?

a jose dance

but lord we'er hungry just give us pasta any old pasta

a blow job

happy to be living

when it gets to the point you start singing to yourself, you know you should be locked up and the key thrown away