Thursday, February 7, 2008

Road Trip 2

Road trips seem to be my forte recently; either that or its just the home's "good excuse" to get rid of me for a week. So armed with (as we found out after ) not enough tools, a inhumaenly-cute baby and about 300 rubber......:D BALLOONS we were off to Longford.

"The Aubergine" where we ate lunch everyday (p.s. for all you gourmet food lovers out there this restaurant won the award for the best restaurant in the county for 7 years running

sam.p had a nack for attracting weridos

caught in the act and during devotions too!

disclaimer: Nina doesn't usually smile like an american, Sam.P doesn't usually wear women's glasses, and I don't usually stare at blonde women like I've never seen a viking before

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