Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Paddy's day

Symbolised as a day to get drunk and sings songs about killing the English, this year limerick (Ireland's third largest city) was crashed by seven family members waving pumps, latex, paints and promising to make everyone look festive, or stupid. After a parade of Irish army guys and a Massachusetts police squadron trying to be cultural and get back to their roots, we hit the pubs to witnesses to the drunks and harlots ( and sell them latex of course). At 8:00 when people couldn't stand anymore and our shamrocks started looking like green balloons, we called it a day and retired to the blessed comfort of beer and vinegar soaked chips.

Sarah's face was blotted out so I wouldn't be continually accused of posting bad pictures and our friendship would remain alive and vibrant

some very sweet, very blonde girls who insisted on having pink shamrocks

what happens when you mix Guinness and baileys

that desperate look you get whist waiting for your junk food


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