Wednesday, December 3, 2008

the rape of random

It's a subject that must be broached even though it pains me to have to admit I know people guilty of this crime. Remember how random used to be used to mean accidental, arbitrary, unsystematic ect? No more as now it has been sucked dry of any and all dignity possessed beforehand and has become the new favorite filler word for half the world's Jett population. Strange sentences that only these hormonally overloaded minds could conjecture like " I'm in love with the blue monkey and my toenails" is now being excused with "oh I'm just so random" Unfortunately their ever faithful 12 Oc disciples are quick to take up the torch and pronounce there idol as "cool", "awesome", and "like totally crazy" which brings me to another point. Remember when crazy signified the drooling, cross-eyed children you had to share the lord's love with every Christmas? Not anymore ! Now people happily announce there mental retardation openly online to all, which can only leave me with the thought that declaring you're crazy is a slightly less self obsessed way of saying "I'm trying to be original" (which by the way, just makes you like everyone else)


Pamela-Marie said...

well said old chap..

Anonymous said...

Me again? Hah, no the OCs.

Anonymous said...

Sorry 4 the shameless spamming but, go to the link below to find out about the first metal witnessing album of the Offensive!

Anonymous said...

Tis so true, thank-fully i am not one of those.

Boo ya said...

Well said.

Zephyr said...

Ohhhhhh ouch. Random...? JETT´s...? feel the sting... i suppose some individuals have things against "random" people. but in my opinion JETT´s have given "random" a bad name but everything has got to have its abusers... now watch the tomatoes fly. I am not immature, and i HAVE been classified entirely random. And honestly, i´m proud of it. WTD?? I´m not going to stop because its really not a forced thing. That´s just how I am. Am I going to be classified in the same group as the JETT´s that try just a tiny bit too hard to be cool? I hope to heaven not.

GeoMicPri said...

Oh Rachel. 'Trying to be all original in your quest for normality--& exceptional in your search for mediocrity.

Ah, the sporadic (not random, mind you)things you kids come up with.

Oh, & do post the pics on the police motor-bikes before I have to do it for you.

Anonymous said...

i agree

Seiko Hashimoto said...

dude why point the finger on the jetts!? I for one am a totally random person, and its not to be original either. Randoms fun, but seriously you must be living with really strange annoying jetts or something. Cuz random and crazy is fun!

R.E.D Campbell said...

Blood on the Dance Floor!!