Monday, October 5, 2009

Angielina..... here we go again

As per tradition I must do a birthday post for her since she so sweetly did one for me. It would be unoriginal to write a whole bunch of sweet and loving nothings about her so instead I'll write about activities that bonded us.
I loved watching Cranford with you and gorging on our 1 Euro ice cream. I loved our 2 hour long walks into the Spanish countryside taking turns pushing that squeaky buggy and talking about the meaning of life. I loved having you in our room with your destructive kamikaze and helping you hobble from place to place. I loved writing that poem for your birthday even if you were as miserable as sin on the day, refusing to be cheered up by our pizza, beer, and Danny Kay. All in all I miss those good times and I miss you. Have yourself a groovy day Rachel xxxxx

1 comment:

Angie-Lina said...

Thanks Rach, I miss the good times in Spain too. And I do remember my last birthday there as being fun, I think I just hadn't slept in 2 days coz of Aiesha. That's why I was grumpy looking